Sunday 6 April 2014

Missing in action

desmond serratore ©

Graphic novel "Missing in action" was written by Desmond Serrotore. It is very short, 8 pages novel. Story takes place in America during the Civil War. Recruit plays the main character in it. He got special mission to scout out enemy’s position. During the storyline main character contacted only with captain.
serratore ©
So on his way he found an excellent position and decided to snipe there, but unfortunately he got revealed and shot down with the enemy’s cannon. The soldier survives the rubble but gets into more trouble. He got engulfed with beams. In hope of to be saved, he decided to sleep for a while to save energy. But soon he confront more serious problem. Rats that will eat him soon after we would take the step to shoot himself instead of got eaten. 
This novel had colouring in the panels which I felt gave off a very like classic style painting. Motion lines were used again like in the other novel. Instead of using word bubbles they were replaced by word “Quotes”. The Narration is mostly done by the main character except for the beginning front page. Sound effects were also utilized in this novel and the colouring and shading was also done in a way that would leak outside of the panelling. Though this story is very short but it’s worth to read.

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