Mega Tokyo is a running graphic novel based on two characters Piro and Largo; who are both gamers who go to Japan (the "Mecca" for gamers), but become stuck there because they have ran out of money. The novel then illustrates their adventures in Japan; which turn out to be hilarious because of how their characters are portrayed. The graphic novel was written and illustrated by Fred Gallagher. It was first published in 14 August, 2000. During this time, gaming was still quite big and expanding within the public, especially the youth. Gallagher mentions a lot of game "titles" whilst telling the adventures of Piro and Largo. For example when Piro and Largo, were at the airport's gate to enter Japan; they had to play Mortal Kombat and beat this guy dressed as if he was going to a Comic Con and win, because one of them forgot their passports.
From this point and onwards the graphic novel then on their personalities as characters. After maxing out their credit cards on shopping for games and gaming stuff; they are now stuck in Japan and are now looking for a place to crash. After several calls and rejections, they meet Tsubasa, a friend of Piro, who lives in Shinjiku who lets them to stay at their place. Gallagher then uses transitions to create humor:
Much of the content is consistent; other uses of the transition also is used to introduce new characters within the comic. However there are some panels in which the drawings are different. Instead we have a totally abstracted art; just so that the writers can speak their mind.
The humor is sometimes based on the clumsiness of the protagonists; with struggles of finance being the antagonist. Also we learn of their personalities; at one point tried to make meth, but failed, because they needed money. And whenever they had money, instead of using it for the right task, they end up using it on games and gaming stuff. As if they live in an endless cycle; and through this novel, during that elliptical path we learn about their characters.
To conclude, as a gamer myself, this was a nice read; and we can tell that the creators are gamers to an extent. At one point, depicting the people behind the business aspects of the gaming industry to be evil, even more than the devil. So, in a sense, Gallagher is trying to say that there could be people like this "hardcore gamers"; who have financial issues due to gaming.
Hi Lipnica,
ReplyDeleteThis is Mandeep Singh. I have read your review on Megatokyo and I liked the way you explained the analysis through Pictures. But I think you should give some more explanation on the summary of the story and more of visual aspects given by Scott McCloud. Overall this a good review for Megatokyo.
- Mandeep Singh